Monday, March 9, 2009

March resolution

On my recent trade show trip to Sydney I managed to indulge in a pleasure I have long since given up for the sake of not enough hours in the day. Reading a novel for the sole purpose of enjoyment! It was heaven. I paid a pretty overpriced dollar at the airport for a copy of "A First Among Sequels" by Jasper Fforde, who is one of my favourite authors, and pulled it from my bag at every available moment just so I could finish it uninterrupted before I returned home.

I managed all but the last chapter, which I stayed up extra extra late to finish the second night I was home. Bliss, true bliss and Fforde witty satire did not disappoint. I highly recommend the Thursday Next series and The Nursery Crime series is awesome too!

Anyhoo, I was in a bookstore this morning looking for a present for my husband and feeling sorry for myself when I spotted all the new titles out that I once coveted and would have purchased on the day they were released, when I made myself a March resolution.

I will attempt to read 1 whole book per month! Doesn't sound too bad, but considering my only non child or business reading time is when I read the Weekend Australian magazine in the toilet, it could prove to be a bit of a challenge.

So, instead of spending money on something I probably won't finish, I came home and chose another book of the shelf that I already haven't finished! (this means, when I tell my husband my brilliant idea, I get extra points for not spending any money also!!)

So the challenge I have given myself for March is to read The Picture of Dorian Gray by Oscar Wilde. I chose this one for three reasons...

1. I can tell myself I'm much smarter now cause I'm reading "the classics"
2. It was the thinnest book with only 213 pages if I don't read any of the notes or appendix
3. My other choice was the last Harry Potter novel, but I have to re-read all the others first cause its any annoying habit I have when i read a new book in a series. So this one book alone could potentially take me 6 months!

So wish me luck, I'll let you know how I go! Vicki xxx

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