Friday, June 19, 2009

Moss Fairies

All week i have been promising myself that I'd be more consistent with my blogging, and I keep falling off the promise wagon! This time i can blame it on the fact I've had my nose in a book I can't put down. I've finally succumbed to curiosity and am reading Twilight to see what all the fuss is about. I'm about 3/4 done, saving the last little bit for my hair dressers appointment in the morning. I must say, even through it is a little predictable and the whole irresistible vampire lover thing has been done to death (pun intended), I'm quite enjoying reading a book I can whiz through and doesn't make me think to much. I tend to get hooked on series's once I've read the first (note the stash of Janet Evanovich books under my bed), so no doubt I'll be off to get the sequel sometime tomorrow too!

On a completely different note, I found the most adorable Fairy terrariums on Etsy yesterday.

This is by Doodle Bird Designs and I need one soooo much. I can't believe how adorable these are! Not to sure how I'd go finding moss growing here in Townsville though?

Gnome washing day! I'm speechless....

Find Doodle Bird Designs here on Etsy!

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